

问:手机对人的好与坏写一片英语作文 并翻译- 百度
  1. 答:近几年来,我国环境污染尤为严重,保护环境已成为人人关注的大问题,保护环境、从我做起。做为城市中渺小的一员,也是需要尽到这份责任。人们生活水平逐渐提高,可垃圾污染却日益增加。垃圾又该如何处理呢?废弃的电池不要随意丢弃,因为废弃的电池含有金属汞、镉等有毒的物质,会对人类产生严重的危害;废塑料不要掩埋在土地里处理,因为塑料需要极长的一段时间去溶解,并且还会导致农作物减产;废塑料不要随便丢弃,避免被动物误食,导致动物死亡及事故。因此回收垃圾不仅可以达到资源的回收利用,还可以保护环境。把垃圾分类丢弃,只是一件简单不过的事情,而且还能为我们的城市增添一份爱心。可回收垃圾主要包括纸类、金属、塑料、玻璃等,通过综合处理回收利用,可以减少污染,节省资源。厨房垃圾包括剩菜剩饭、骨头、菜根菜叶等食品类废物,经生物技术就地处理堆肥,每吨可生产0.3吨有机肥料。有害垃圾包括废含汞电池、废日光灯管、废水银温度计、过期药品等,这些垃圾需要特殊安全处理。其他垃圾包括除上述几类垃圾之外的砖瓦、陶瓷、渣土等难以回收的废弃物,采取焚烧或卫生填埋可有效减少对地下水、地表水、土壤及空气的污染。食物垃圾约占生活总量的1/3。食物垃圾和其他一些有机垃圾具有分散、量大、处理困难、容易污染环境等特点,对其集中处理,如堆肥,不仅减少了垃圾污染,而且使之与其它垃圾成分离,加快了垃圾分类,有利于城市生活垃圾的全面处理。所以。我认为,要把垃圾扔到垃圾本身的地方,废旧电池等应该要交给相应的人员手中。就是我对垃圾分类与管理的看法了。
问:智能手机的危害 英语作文80词带翻译
  1. 答:When my father pulled into the service station, I saw that there were five of them: the parents and three children - two girls and a small boy.
  2. 答:Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips
  1. 答:对手机的看法英文作文:
    I admit that mobile phones are of great help to our human beings, give us great convenience in life, and the speed of information transmission is very fast.
    However, because of the fast transmission speed, a lot of es in an instant, "mobile phone doesn't leave your hand".
    Playing with mobile phones for a long time is virtually equivalent to wearing our necks. Now, there are more and more "mobile phone necks".
    I think the key is that we don't look at mobile phones. I think it's OK to watch it properly for a while, but in the long run, it's not good.
  2. 答:Every coin has two sides,the same is true of the cell phone.On the one hand,It's a convenient tool for us municate with others,so that we won't worry about where we are and when it is.On the other hand,as the cell phone games e more and more popular,many people lose themselves in palying games and kill time doing something worthless.
    All in all,for the sake of the development of the cell phone,we people need to use it properly.
